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1  国际防卫手枪协会创始理念国际防卫手枪协会的创立宗旨(创始理念?用成立宗旨会不会更适应我们的用语习惯?)

Founded in 1996, the International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) is the governing body for IDPA competition, a handgun-centric shooting sport based on simulated self-defense scenarios.

成立于1996年的“国际防卫手枪协会”即IDPA( International Defensive Pistol Association) 是IDPA比赛的管理机构,是一种贴近实战、基于模拟防卫场景的手枪射击运动。


The IDPA competition format was designed to be enjoyable for all shooters of all skill levels, with a premium put on the social interaction and camaraderie of the members. Participation in IDPA matches requires the use of handguns, holsters and other equipment suitable for concealed carry self-defense. With that in mind, and keeping the shooters' best interests in mind, IDPA's founders established equipment requirements that are based on commonly available firearms and gear, allowing individuals the opportunity to compete with minimal investment.


IDPA的比赛形式就是让不同技能水平的射手都能享受比赛的乐趣,关注的重点在于参与成员间的社交互动以及建立友谊。参与IDPA比赛所使用的手枪、枪套以及其他装备,必须满足个人自卫场景使用的隐蔽携带的要求。出于这一要求的考虑,加上为了射手本身个人利益着想,IDPA的创始人们基于最普通常见的枪械以及装备,制定了一系列的装备规范,确保每个参与者能在花费最少的情况下参与比赛公平竞争。(这是要怼死IPSC的OPEN 组么?特么的我就玩了短短一年时间,看见open组的大神拿着一把跟俺小破车等价的枪在打stage,而我只能用租来的价值500刀的Glock,打不过,很心安理得哇!)

Today, thanks to the vision of its founders and a commitment to serving the organization's loyal membership, IDPA stands as the fastest growing shooting sport in the United States with over 25,000 members from all 50 states, and over 400 affiliated clubs hosting weekly and monthly competitions, and membership representing over 70 nations.

近年来IDPA运动发展迅速,目前在全球50多个国家拥有超过65000多名正式注册的会员,加上利用IDPA规则进行训练和比赛的射击爱好者,保守估计全世界参与IDPA运动的人数已经超过10万。 每年更有数百场各类型的培训和比赛在世界各地进行,射击爱好者可以跟据自身的实际情况选择参加培训或赛事。(大川哥的这段数据,应该是最新的。。。可是,妈个鸡不是应该翻译原文的么?)


Our main goal is to test the skill and ability of the individual. Equipment that is designed with no application for daily, concealed carry is not permitted in this sport. 这一段,大川哥忘记翻译了么?


1.1    IDPA’s Fundamental Principles

1.1  IDPA的基本原则

The Fundamental Principles are a guide to all members.

A.Promote safe and proficient use of firearms and equipment suitable for concealed carry self-defense.

B.Offer a practical shooting sport encouraging competitors to develop skills and fellowship with like-minded shooters.

C.Provide a level playing field for all competitors that solely tests the skill and ability of each individual, not their equipment.

D.Provide separate divisions for equipment and classifications for shooters, such that firearms with similar characteristics are grouped together and people with similar skill levels compete against each other.
根据装备和射手水平分成不同的枪械组别以及射手等级,这样类似性能的枪械能分在一组竞争,而且水平相近的射手也能互相公平比较。 其实这一段我也不完全直译了,多了一些延伸,希望尽快把相应原则讲清楚。

E.Provide shooters with practical and realistic courses of fire, and test skills that could be required to survive life-threatening encounters.
E. 为射手提供一个实用以及真实的接战过程,并对射手在危及生命的遭遇战中能自保的技能进行测试。

这里是个难点,COURSE OF FIRE,是个非常难以准确翻译的词组,而且,在很多不同的语境中,会有些许的不同意义。在后文中,大川哥会以COF来代替,我个人感觉,还是要准确交代清楚。

F.Strongly encourage all IDPA members to support our sponsors when making purchases of equipment and accessories. Industry sponsors have been instrumental in IDPA’s success at all levels including Club, State, Regional, National, and International levels.
F. 强烈建议IDPA会员在选购个人装备与配件时候选择IDPA官方的赞助商。行业赞助商对于IDPA的成功是非常重要的,他们的支持涵盖了俱乐部级,地区级,州级,国家级以及国际范围内的IDPA比赛。

G.Develop and maintain an infrastructure that will allow IDPA to be responsive to our shooters. While IDPA can never be all things to all people, respectful constructive suggestions from our members, which follow IDPA Fundamental Principles, will always be welcome.


1.2    Principles of Shooting IDPA

1.2  IDPA射击的基本原则
1.2  IDPA的射击基本原则

1.2.1        Equipment Principles
1.2.1  装备原则

Allowed equipment will meet the following criteria:

A.Concealable: All equipment (except flashlights) will be placed so that it is not visible while wearing a concealment garment, with your arms extended to your sides, parallel to the ground.
1. 可隐蔽携枪:所有装备除了手电筒以外,都应该符合这个要求(包括了枪支枪套弹匣套等)。当射手身着隐蔽装备的衣物,抬起双臂与地面平行时,旁人无法从该射手前方、后面或两侧看到其所携带的装备。

B.Practical: All equipment must be practical for all day concealed carry self-defense, and worn in a manner that is appropriate for all day continuous wear.
2. 实用性:所有装备都能实际用于一整天的自卫隐蔽携枪,同时装备摆放的位置也能按照全日持续穿戴来摆放的。


1.2.2        Participation Principles
1.2.2  参与原则
1.2.2  参赛原则

A.Competitors will not attempt to circumvent or compromise any stage by the use of inappropriate devices, equipment, or techniques.
A. 参赛选手不得试图使用不合适的装置,装备或者技巧刻意地去规避或破坏任何场景。

B.Competitors will refrain from unsportsmanlike conduct, unfair actions, and the use of illegal equipment.
B. 参赛者不得做出违反体育精神的行为、不公平的行为,也不得使用违反法律的装备。

C.The IDPA Rulebook is not intended to be an exhaustive description of all allowed and disallowed equipment and techniques. Shooter equipment and techniques should comply with the basic principles of IDPA and be valid in the context of a sport that is based on self-defense scenarios. A reasonable application of common sense and the IDPA Founding Concepts will be employed in determining whether a device, technique, or piece of equipment is permitted under the IDPA rules.

C. IDPA规则手册无意对所有允许与不允许的装备和技术的详尽描述,参赛选手的枪械装备和技巧应符合IDPA的基本原则,并符合这一基于自卫射击的运动的要求。具体到某一设备,技巧或是装备是否符合符合IDPA相应规定,IDPA会根据自身原则以及合理的常识来进行判断。

D.At its core, IDPA is a self-defense scenario based sport. The props used to create the Course of Fire (CoF) are often incomplete but represent buildings, walls, windows, doorways, etc. The CoF will indicate available shooting positions. The props will be defined in the CoF walk through.

D. IDPA比赛的核心是一项模拟自卫场景的运动。每个接战过程中用以搭建障碍物的道具虽然并不完整,但是依旧能代表相应的建筑物,墙壁,窗户,走道等等。在比赛开始前的场景观察模拟时,接战过程中可用的射击位置会被指出来。

E.Individual rehearsals of a CoF, including air gunning and taking sight pictures, are not permitted within the CoF boundaries.
5、在COF的范围内,参赛者不得对 COF进行预演,包括空枪、空手模拟射击以及拍摄图像等。

E. 进入了射击流程的范围内以后(即进入场地准备开始新的场景后),参赛选手不允许进行个人练习,包括空手模拟射击,空枪瞄准等等。(这个跟USPSA又很不同了,不允许用空手挨个模拟射击,也不能用空枪瞄准目标。)

F.Shooting from behind cover is a basic premise of IDPA. Competitors will use all available cover in a CoF.

F. 从掩体后面射击目标是IDPA比赛的前提,参赛选手必须在整个接战流程中使用所有可用的掩体。

G.IDPA is a shooting sport based on concealed carry. All courses of fire will be shot using a concealment garment unless stipulated otherwise.

G. IDPA是一项基于隐蔽携枪的射击运动。除非另有专门的说明,否则所有的接战流程中,选手都射击时都要身着隐蔽性服装。

H.In any single contest, a shooter must use the same firearm on all stages unless the firearm becomes unserviceable.

H. 在任何一项比赛中,除非枪械故障无法使用,参赛选手必须全程所有场景都使用同一把枪械。

I.Re-shoots are allowed for stage equipment failures or SO interference.

I. 场景设备失效或者安全官直接干预的情况下,选手可以在这一场景重新再打一次。

J.English is the official language of IDPA. Range commands used in all matches regardless of location or nationality of participants, will be in English. The English rulebook prevails.

J. 英语是IDPA的官方语言。无论在任何地方举办的比赛,无论参赛选手来自何地,比赛时的靶场口令都是英语。英文版本的规则手册也是最权威的版本。

1.2.3        Course of Fire Principles
1.2.3  射击原则
1.2.3 接战流程的原则

A.One issue critical to the long-term success of this shooting discipline is that problems shooters are asked to solve must reflect self-defense principles. The IDPA founders agreed upon this when they set out to structure IDPA guidelines and principles. IDPA should help promote basic sound gun handling skills and test skills a person would need in a concealed-carry encounter. Requirements such as the use of cover while engaging a target, reloading behind cover, and limiting the number of rounds per string were all based upon that principle.

A. 这一关于的射击的规定能长期成功实行的最重要的原因在于,射手(在比赛中)所面对的问题必定是真实反映了自我防卫的原则。这一点,是IDPA的创始团队在确立IDPA现有规范与原则之前,就已经确定好的基础。IDPA应该能帮助推广最基本最有效的枪支使用技巧,并且在比赛中测试个人在隐蔽携枪情形是遭遇对战的所需要的技巧。在此原则基础上,比赛中,IDPA会要求参赛选手在掩体后射击目标,在掩体后重新装填子弹(换弹匣),限制每一射击轮次的弹药数量等。


“String of Fire” refers to a section of the course of fire that is initiated by a start signal, and ends with the last shot fired. There may be more than one string in a stage.


“Cover” refers to a position where a shooter can engage targets with a portion of their upper and lower body behind an object such as a wall.


B.A CoF should test a competitor’s shooting skills. Allowances will be made for physically challenged or disabled shooters. Match Directors should always attempt to make the CoF accessible for all shooters.

B. 一个接战流程应注重测试的是参赛选手的射击技巧(而不是其他)。对于身体有受限或者残疾的选手,应有相应的宽限。比赛总监应尽可能确保整个接战流程适用于所有的参赛选手。


C.While we recognize that there are many schools of thought in training for self-defense concealed carry, the primary focus of IDPA is in the continuing development of safe and sound gun handling skills that are universally accepted.

C. IDPA认识到在隐蔽携枪自我防卫领域有众多不同的训练方式,而IDPA的重点关注是那些被普遍接受的,而且可持续发展的安全的枪支使用技巧。

D.IDPA rules will be equally enforced for all classifications of IDPA members.

D. IDPA的所有规则会平等地适用于所有级别的IDPA会员。


2  安全规则

2.1   Cooper's Four Basic Rules

2.1  库珀的四个基本原则

Colonel Jeff Cooper’s Four Basic Rules of Firearm Safety have appeared in the beginning pages of books, videos, and training courses for more than 30 years. They are time honored and although they are not IDPA safety rules, they serve as the foundation of the safety rules below.

Jeff Cooper上校的四项基本枪械安全规则在众多书籍、视频以及培训教材的封面已经出现了三十多年,经受了时间的考验并被广泛地尊重。虽然他们不是IDPA的官方安全规则,但确实以下IDPA安全规则的基石:

All guns are always loaded.


Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.


Keep your finger off the trigger till your sights are on the target.


Identify your target, and what is behind it.


The Safety Rules below serve as the cornerstone for every IDPA shooter to follow, including Safety Officers (SOs), Match Directors (MDs), and Area Coordinators (ACs), so that our events are safe and enjoyable to a wide range of participants. They are to be adopted for all IDPA events.


2.2        Unsafe Firearm Handling

2.2  不安全的枪械处理

Unsafe firearm handling will result in immediate Disqualification (DQ) from an IDPA match. The following is a non-exclusive list of unsafe behaviors.


A.Endangering any person, including yourself. This includes sweeping one’s self or anyone else with a loaded or unloaded firearm. Sweeping is defined as allowing the muzzle of the firearm (loaded or unloaded) to cross or cover any portion of a person.
1、危及任何个人(包括你自己)的行为。这包括用装有子弹或无子弹的枪械的枪口扫过自己或任何个人。 扫过的定义为将用所持枪械(有子弹或无子弹)射穿或射中身体的任一部位。

A. 危及任何个人(包括射手自己)的行为。这包括用装有子弹或无子弹的枪械的枪口扫过自己或任何个人。 扫过的定义为将用所持枪械(有子弹或无子弹)掠过或者覆盖身体的任一部位。

Exception: Some body types combined with some holster types makes it almost impossible to holster a firearm or remove the firearm from the holster without sweeping a portion of the shooter’s lower extremities. Thus, a match Disqualification is not applicable for sweeping of the shooter’s own body below the belt while removing the firearm from the holster or holstering of the firearm, provided that the shooter’s trigger finger is clearly outside of the trigger guard. However, once the muzzle of the firearm is clear of the holster on the draw, sweeping any part of the body is a Disqualification. Example: Sweeping one’s leg on a seated start is a DQ.


B.Pointing the muzzle beyond designated “Muzzle Safe Points” if used, or beyond the 180-degree Muzzle Safe Plane if used.
2、在使用枪械时将枪口指向“枪口安全指向点”或 “180°射击安全平面”范围之外的区域。

B. 在有“枪口安全指向限制点”的区域,枪口指向超出了安全限制点的范围,或 枪口指向“180°射击安全平面”范围之外的区域。

C.Intentionally engaging (discharging the firearm) anything other than a target or an activator.

C. 故意向标靶或者启动靶以外的物体射击(或击发武器)。 (例如,最后清枪完毕后套筒复位,扣动扳机时候,若有弹,会被击发,DQ。。。。)

D.A discharge:

a.in the holster.

a. 在枪套中击发;

b.striking up range of the shooter.

b. 在背对靶标区域时击发;

c.into the ground downrange closer to the shooter than 2 yards, unless engaging a low target that is within 2 yards.

c. 在面向靶标区域,两码范围内没有低靶标的情况下,子弹射入两码范围内的地上。

d.over a berm.

d. 子弹弹道越过了挡弹墙。

e.during Load And Make Ready, Unload and Show Clear, Reload, or Malfunction Clearance.

e. 在枪弹结合上膛做准备的时候击发,在卸除弹药确认枪膛清空的时候击发,在重新装填的时候击发,在排除故障时候击发;

f.before the start signal.

f. 在开始信号响起之前击发;

g.while transferring a firearm from one hand to the other.

g. 在换手使用枪支的过程中击发;

h.while handling a firearm except at the firing line.

E.Removing a firearm from the holster, unless:

E. 从枪套中拔出枪支,除以下情况外,其他都是违规:

a.With verbal instruction from a SO.

a. 服从安全官(SO)的口头指令;

b.While engaging targets in a CoF under the direct supervision and visual contact of a SO.

b. 在安全官(SO)的直接监督下视线范围内,按照接战流程射击目标。

c.When in a designated “Safe Area”.

F.Pointing the muzzle over the berm during the “Pull the Trigger” portion of Unload and Show Clear.

F. 在卸除弹药清空枪膛阶段,扣动扳机的时候,枪口指向越过了挡弹墙的高度。

G.Drawing a firearm while facing up range.
7、背向射击区射击。 (不是射击啊,大川哥.....)

G. 背对标靶射击区时候拔出枪支。

2.3        Dropping A Firearm

2.3  枪械掉落

2.3.1        Dropping a loaded or unloaded firearm or causing it to fall, during Load And Make Ready, the shooting of a string or stage, reloads or malfunction clearance or during Unload and Show Clear will result in disqualification from the match. If a shooter drops a firearm, the SO will immediately give the command “Stop”. The SO will pick up/recover the dropped firearm and render it safe and unloaded before returning it to the shooter. The shooter will be disqualified from the IDPA match.
2.3.1 在装弹上膛和射击准备期间,将有弹或无弹的枪械掉落或致其掉落,或在重新装弹上膛、排除故障、退弹清枪过程中掉落,都会被判DQ。如果射手掉落枪械,SO会立即给出“STOP”指令。SO会捡起/找回掉落的枪械,并在将此枪械归还射手之前,对枪械进行清枪确保安全。大川哥漏了个射击过程中掉枪哇。

2.3.1 在枪弹结合上膛的时候,在某个场景或者某射击章节的过程中,在重新装填弹药的时候,在排除故障的时候,或者在卸除弹药确认枪膛清空的时候,掉落或者致使掉落一把上膛或者未上膛的枪支,会被判定取消比赛资格的处罚。若是射手掉落枪支,安全官(SO)会马上发出指令“停止”(Stop)。安全官(SO)会拾起/取回掉落的枪支,确认其安全并且卸除弹药后,再交还给射手。该射手将会在该IDPA比赛中被取消比赛资格。

2.3.2        If a shooter drops a loaded or unloaded firearm or causes it to fall within a stage boundary, the shooter is disqualified from the match.
2.3.2 参赛者在射击赛场界限之内扔掉或掉落有弹或无弹的枪械,会被DQ。

2.3.2 若是射手在某一场景的范围内掉落枪支或致使枪支掉落,无论该枪支是否已经上膛,该射手会被取消该比赛的资格。

2.3.3        Dropping an unloaded firearm or causing it to fall while outside of stage boundaries is not within IDPA’s control, and is subject to local Range policy.
2.3.3 参赛者在射击赛场界限之外掉落有弹的或无弹的枪械,此行为不在IDPA管理范围内,需要服从当地规定。

2.3.3 IDPA无法控制射手在比赛场景以外区域掉落上膛或未上膛的枪支,这一问题的处理,应该根据比赛所在靶场的规定来执行。

2.4        Ear and Eye Protection

2.4  眼睛和耳朵的保护

2.4.1        Ear protection and impact resistant eye protection are required to be used by everyone attending an IDPA shooting event. The responsibility for safe and serviceable ear and eye protection falls completely on the shooter or spectator. IDPA recommends that hearing protection have a minimum 21dB NRR rating and that eye protection have a minimum ANSI Z87.1 impact rating and side shields.
2.4.1 每个参加IDPA射击活动的人,都需使用护耳用具以及抗冲击性的护目用具。射手或观众都有责任确保好自己的耳朵和眼睛在比赛过程中的安全。IDPA建议护耳用具达到最少降噪21分贝的NRR标准,而护目用具最少达到美国国家标准协会(ANSI)的 Z87.1等级,也能起到对眼睛的侧面防护作用。

2.4.2        The SO will stop a shooter that has started a CoF and is not wearing proper eye or ear protection, and a reshoot
will be given to the shooter. If the shooter’s eye or hearing protection becomes dislodged during a CoF, the same action applies. If the shooter discovers missing or dislodged eye or hearing protection before the SO and stops, the shooter will also be given a reshoot.
2.4.2 SO会制止一名已经开始COF但没有戴上适当的护耳或护眼用具的射手,并让他重赛。如果射手的眼耳护具在COF中掉落,同样会被要求重赛。如果射手在赛程中SO要求停止之前发现丢失或脱落眼耳护具,也将被予以重赛。

2.4.2 安全官(SO)会制止一名已经开始接战流程但没有戴上适当的护耳或护眼用具的射手,并让他重赛。如果射手的眼耳护具在接战流程中掉落,同样会被要求重赛。如果射手在赛程中安全官(S0)要求停止之前发现丢失或脱落眼耳护具,也将被予以重赛。

2.4.3        A shooter who intentionally loses or dislodges eye and/or ear protection during a CoF will be disqualified.
2.4.3 射手在COF期间故意丢掉或移开眼耳护具,将被判DQ。

2.4.3 射手在接战流程期间故意丢掉或移开眼耳护具,将被判罚取消该比赛资格。

2.5        Pistol Serviceability

2.5  枪械的安全
2.5  手枪的可用性

Pistols used in competition will be serviceable and safe. The responsibility for safe and serviceable equipment falls completely on the shooter. The MD will require a shooter to withdraw any pistol or ammunition observed to be unsafe. In the event that a pistol cannot be loaded or unloaded due to a broken or failed mechanism, the shooter must notify the SO, who will take such action as he/she thinks safest.
在比赛中使用的枪械必须是可靠耐用和安全的。射手需要全权承担枪支可靠耐用性和安全性的责任。 MD将会要求射手卸下在他看来不安全的任何枪械或弹药。如果由于枪械损坏或部件故障造成射手无法为其枪械装弹或退弹,射手必须将此情况通知SO,SO会采取在他/她看来最安全的应对措施。


2.6        Fingers

2.6  手指

Fingers must be obviously and visibly outside the trigger guard during loading, unloading, drawing, holstering, while moving (unless engaging targets) and during malfunction clearance.


A.First offense is a Procedural Error penalty.

A. 第一次违反手指位置规定,会被判处程序错误罚分(PE);

B.Second Offense is a DQ from the match.

B. 第二次违反手指位置规定,会被判处取消比赛资格(DQ);

C.Each “Finger” violation will be clearly noted on the shooter’s score sheet for tracking purposes.

C. 为了便于查询记录,每次手指位置的违规都会被记录在射手的计分表上。

2.7        Pistol Carry Condition

2.7  枪械携带的条件

2.7 手枪携带的状态

The normal condition of pistols not in use during a CoF is holstered and unloaded, with hammer down or striker forward and magazine removed or cylinder empty. Magazines, speed loaders, and moon clips may be reloaded while off the firing line, but the shooter’s firearm can be loaded or unloaded only under the direction of the SO. (See the rule below regarding Cold Ranges, Hot Bays, and Hot Ranges.)

在没有开始接战流程之前,手枪的正常状态应该是枪弹分离,手枪在枪套内的,此时的击锤是放下状态,撞针是处于顶前位置,弹匣是卸下来的或者弹仓是空的。 射手可以在射击线以外的区域对弹匣、快速装弹器和圆形弹仓进行装填弹药的动作。但是,射手的枪支只有在安全官(SO)的指引下进行装填或者卸除弹药的动作。(参照以下关于冷靶场,热靶位区以及热靶场的详细解说)

2.8        Start Conditions

2.8  开始的条件

All CoFs will be started with the pistol holstered, safeties engaged as required by different divisions, and hands clear of equipment including the concealment garment unless other positions for the pistol are stipulated in the written stage description (table top, drawer, pack, purse, in the firing hand, etc.).
所有的COF开始前,射手都要将所持枪械放入枪套,并且手要远离隐蔽服装在内的所有装备,除非在COF简报中规定了枪械的放置位置(如桌面上、抽屉内、背包内、钱包内、手持等)。( 钱包。。。大川哥啊。。。。)


2.9        Muzzle Safety

2.9  枪口安全指向

There are three types of muzzle safe area indicators used in IDPA. The written stage description will describe which type of muzzle safe point is used or if the two types are used in concert. One or both may be used on a single stage, however if no muzzle safe cones or flags are present on a stage, the default is the 180° rule.

IDPA比赛中,有三种规定枪口安全指向区域的标识物。 在每一场景的书面的描述中,都会有说明采用了哪一种标识物或者哪两种标识物配合使用。单一场景中会有单一标识物或者两种标识物,若是场景现场没有标识枪口指向安全点界限的塑料锥形筒(在下文中我会叫它雪糕筒)或旗帜,那么枪口指向的安全范围区域就是180度平面规则。

A.Muzzle Safe Points: A Muzzle Safe Point is a physical and clearly visible marker such as a traffic cone or stake in the ground with a brightly colored flag or marker tape attached.


B.180-Degree Plane: The 180° plane is an imaginary infinite vertical plane drawn through the centerline of the shooter’s body, perpendicular to the centerline of the shooting bay that moves with the shooter as the shooter moves through the stage. When facing downrange, the violation of the 180-degree plane when drawing from a muzzle rearward holster configuration or while holstering a firearm into a muzzle rearward holster configuration is not an infraction.

B. 180度平面: 是指一个沿着射手身体中心线两侧画出的虚构的横向无限延伸的垂直平面,当射手在场景中移动时,它与射击区的纵向中心线垂直。当面向靶场时,由于射手需将枪械从原本设计是枪口朝后的枪套中取出或需将枪械放入原本设计是枪口朝后倾斜的枪套中而导致射手违反了180°平面的规定并不算违规。


If the muzzle of the shooter’s firearm points further up range than a “Muzzle Safe Point” the shooter will be disqualified from the match. The shooter will be given the command “Stop.” The shooter will stop immediately, place the trigger finger obviously and visibly outside the trigger guard of the firearm, and wait for further instructions from the SO.


C.Muzzle Exclusion Zone

Muzzle Exclusion Zones must be marked on doors that the shooter is required to open during the CoF. This type of muzzle safe point designates a keep out area and should be a minimum dimension of 6” square. If the muzzle points at this keep out area while the shooter is touching the door knob/handle, the shooter will be disqualified.


2.10    Safe Areas

2.10  安全区

Safe Areas must be provided for all local and Sanctioned matches, in convenient locations and in numbers adequate to handle the volume of expected shooters. A Safe Area is defined as a designated area where the following rules apply:


A.Each Safe Area must be clearly identified by visible signage, and include a table with the safe direction and boundaries clearly shown.

A. 每一安全区都必须有一个清晰可见的标识,还应有一张明确指出枪口安全指向以及安全指向范围的桌子。

B.Unloaded firearms may be handled at any time. This area is used for bagging or un-bagging a firearm, holstering, drawing, dry firing, or equipment adjustment.

B. 安全区可以随时处理无弹的枪支。该区域主要是提供给射手从包具中取放枪支,收枪入套,拔枪,空枪练习或者装备调整。

C.A Safe Area may also be used for inspections, stripping, cleaning, repairs, and maintenance of firearms, ammunition feeding devices, or related equipment.

D.The muzzle of the firearm must be pointed in a safe direction.

E.Handling of ammunition, loaded ammunition feeding devices, loose rounds, dummy ammunition, snap caps, simunitions, training rounds, or loaded firearms is not permitted in safe areas.

E. 在安全区内,不允许任何涉及弹药的操作。例如,不能操作装弹上膛的枪支,不能处理已有弹药的装弹器,零散弹药,装饰用的弹药,训练用的假弹,模拟弹药,训练弹药等等。 (一句话,在安全区,所有弹药以及跟弹药有关的东西或者是长得像弹药的东西,都不能碰)

F.A Safe Area may also be used, while accompanied by a SO, to render safe a firearm that has locked up and contains a live round or rounds.

F. 在安全官SO的陪同下,安全区可以用来处理把一只装有实弹但是枪机已经闭锁的枪支处理到安全的状态。

G.Reload practice within the Safe Area is not allowed. An empty magazine may be inserted into a firearm to test functionality or to drop the hammer on a firearm with a magazine disconnect, but reload practice is prohibited.


The violation of any of the cases above will result in disqualification from the match.

2.11    Hot and Cold Ranges

2.11  冷/热靶场


The question of Hot and Cold ranges at the local club level is subject to individual club policy. This issue is the sole responsibility of local clubs and is beyond IDPA’s control. Matches sanctioned by IDPA are required to operate under the Cold range rule, but may use Hot Bays if desired.
在当地俱乐部级别的射击比赛中对于热靶场和冷靶场的规定要遵从各俱乐部的相关规定,当地俱乐部全权负责此问题,IDPA无权干涉。由IDPA许可的射击比赛则必须遵守冷靶场规定 ,但如果需要的话,也可在比赛中设置热区。

在当地俱乐部级别的射击比赛中对于热靶场和冷靶场的规定要遵从各俱乐部的相关规定,当地俱乐部独自承担相应责任,IDPA官方无法干涉。由IDPA授权的射击比赛则应该采用遵守冷靶场规定 ,但如果需要的话,也可在按照热靶场来管理该次比赛。

2.11.1        Cold Range
2.11.1  冷靶场

A “Cold Range” is defined as a range where all firearms must be unloaded unless under the direct supervision of a SO.

A. 冷靶场的定义,就是除非在安全官SO的直接监督下,整个靶场上所有选手的枪械不得装有弹药。

2.11.2        Cold Range with Hot Bays
2.11.2  有射击热区的冷靶场
2.11.2 冷靶场中的热射击区

A “Cold Range with Hot Bays” is defined as a range that does not allow loaded firearms in the holster outside of the shooting bays but does allow for loaded firearms in the holster within the shooting bays as directed by and under the supervision of the SOs. Loaded firearms may only be handled while on the firing line when the shooter is given specific Range Commands and is under the direct supervision of a SO.


With direct supervision from the SO, and when given specific Range Commands, an entire squad of shooters will line up across the bay, face down range and will “Load And Make Ready” as a group.

The perimeter of the bay will be well defined as well as any area designated as a "Safe Area" where handling of ammunition and loaded firearms is not permitted. A procedure for requesting to be unloaded to exit the bay will be established by the CSO and explained to all participants during the stage briefing. If a shooter for any reason needs to leave a Hot Bay, the shooter must contact one of the SOs in that bay to safely unload the firearm before leaving the bay.
热区的边界和定义为不允许处理弹药的安全区的边界都会被明确的标示。 首席安全员(CSO)将对进行退弹清枪操作和退出热区的程序进行规定,并在进行场景简报时向所有参赛者进行说明。(又特么没有译完哇。。。。)


If a shooter for any reason does not wish to load his firearm with the group, the shooter is not to be penalized.


2.11.3        Hot Range
2.11.3  热靶场
A Hot range is defined as a range where each shooter has the choice to carry a loaded firearm at any time. Loaded or unloaded firearms may only be handled while on the firing line and under the direct supervision of a SO.



2.12    Range Commands

2.12  靶场指令

Many of the range commands given to a shooter by the SO are for safety, while the rest are for stage administration.


To allow a shooter to compete anywhere in the world and hear the same commands, the IDPA range commands will only be given in English, the official language of IDPA. These exact range commands must be used and local variations are not allowed.
为了让射手可在世界任何地点参与比赛并获取相同指令,IDPA靶场指令使用的官方语言为英语。 必须使用这些精确的指令,各地区不得对指令进行更改。


The complete set of IDPA Range Commands are:
完整的 IDPA靶场指令包括:

2.12.1        Range Is Hot - Eyes & Ears
2.12.1  靶场准备完毕,所有人带上眼耳护具


This is the first command given to each shooter starting the action of shooting a stage. This command signifies the start of the CoF. The shooter will make sure that their eye and hearing protection is in place. It is also notification to anyone in the shooting bay to check that their own eye and hearing protection is properly fitted.


2.12.2        Load and Make Ready
2.12.2  子弹上膛并做好射击准备


When the shooter has proper eye and hearing protection, the SO will issue the Load and Make Ready command. The shooter will prepare the firearm and magazines to match the start position for the stage. Typically, this is to load the firearm and holster, but may include non-typical loading or staging of equipment. The shooter will then assume the starting position necessary for the stage. If the shooter’s firearm is not to be loaded for the start of a stage the command used will be “Make Ready.”

射手确认眼耳护具就位后,安全官SO会发出“Load and Make Ready”指令,射手会按照场景开始时的设定准备好枪支和弹匣。通常是装填好弹药做好上膛动作并且把上好膛的枪放回枪套内,但是也有可能是其他非典型的装填弹药方式又或是场景中规定需要处理的其他设备。完成这一动作后,射手可以进入场景规定的开始位置。若是场景规定射手的武器不需要在开始时上膛的话,口令会改成“Make Ready”。

2.12.3        Are You Ready?
2.12.3  准备好了吗?

After “Load and Make Ready,” the SO will ask the shooter “Are You Ready?” If ready, the shooter should respond verbally, or by obvious nodding of the head, but may also choose to stand ready. If there is no response from the shooter in approximately 3 seconds, the shooter is assumed to be ready.

在安全官SO给出“Load and Make Ready”指令之后,会询问“Are You Ready?”如果射手装备完毕,需要给出口头回答,或者也可做出明显的点头动作,但也可以保持站立预备。如果在给出指令后大约3秒内射手未作出任何回应,安全官SO会假定射手已经做好准备。

If the shooter is not ready when this question is asked the shooter must respond “Not Ready”. If the shooter continues to not be ready, the shooter must take a step out of the starting position. When ready, the shooter will assume the starting position and the “Are You Ready” question will be asked again.

如果在安全官SO给出此指令时,射手未做好准备,应立即回答“Not Ready”。如果射手始终未能做好准备,必须离开起始位置一步远处等待。如果该射手准备好,会重新返回起始位置,此时SO会再度询问“Are You Ready”。

The shooter is expected to be ready to proceed approximately 15 seconds after the “Load And Make Ready” command. If the shooter is ill prepared and needs more than fifteen seconds to get ready, the shooter will be advised that he/she is being given approximately 15 seconds more to prepare. If the shooter is still not ready after that period, he/she will receive a Procedural Error penalty and will be moved down in the shooting order.

在安全官SO给出“Load And Make Ready”指令之后射手有大约15秒的时间进行射击准备。若射手未准备就绪,需要超过15秒进行准备,SO会告知射手可额外准备约15秒。如果射手在这额外的15秒内依然未能做好准备,该射手会被判在该场景比赛的一个程序错误(PE),并且将其从该场景的射击顺序名单中移到最后一位。

2.12.4        Standby
2.12.4  预备

This command is given after the shooter is ready. This command will be followed by the start signal within 1-4 seconds. The shooter may not move or change positions between the “Standby” command and the start signal, unless required to do so by the CoF.


2.12.5        Finger
2.12.5  手指

This command is given when the shooter’s finger is not obviously and visibly outside the trigger guard when it should be, as noted above.


2.12.6        Muzzle
2.12.6   枪口

This command is given when the muzzle of the shooter’s firearm is pointed near a muzzle safe point. The shooter must correct the errant muzzle and continue with the stage. See muzzle safe points above.

2.12.7        Stop
2.12.7   停止

This command is given when something unsafe has happened or is about to happen during a stage, or when something in the stage is not correct. The shooter must immediately stop all movement, place the trigger finger obviously and visibly outside the trigger guard, and await further instruction. Failure to immediately stop and remove the trigger finger from within the trigger guard will result in Disqualification from the match.


2.12.8        If Finished, Unload and Show Clear
2.12.8  如果完成射击,退弹并展示清空的枪膛

2.12.8 如果结束射击,退弹并确认清膛。

This command will be issued when the shooter has apparently finished shooting the stage. If the shooter is finished, all ammunition will be removed from the firearm and a clear chamber/cylinder will be shown to the SO. If the shooter is not finished, the shooter should finish the stage and the command will be repeated.


2.12.9        If Clear, Slide Forward or Close Cylinder
2.12.9  如果清枪完毕,释放滑套并让枪机复位或关闭弹仓

Once the SO has inspected the chamber/cylinder and found it to be clear, this command will be issued and the shooter will comply.

2.12.10 Pull the Trigger
2.12.10  扣动扳机
The shooter will point the firearm at a safe berm and pull the trigger to further verify that the chamber is clear. If the firearm fires, the shooter will be disqualified from the match. This requirement also applies to firearms with a de-cocker or magazine disconnect. For firearms with a magazine disconnect, an empty magazine, or dummy magazine must be inserted before the trigger is pulled, and then removed again. This command is not needed for revolvers.


2.12.11 Holster
2.12.11  枪械入套

2.12.11 手枪入套

The shooter will safely holster the firearm.

2.12.12 Range is Clear
2.12.12  靶场安全

This command indicates to everyone within the stage boundaries that the range is clear. This command ends the CoF and begins the scoring and resetting of the stage.

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